Tuesday 30 August 2016



In Hebrews, Paul mentions that things which actually happened in the Old Testament, were shadows of Heavenly principles. In other words, as Spiritual Light shines on a Spiritual or Kingdom Truth, it casts a shadow which is what the actual things were. 

So I believe that with David’s Mighty Men, they are a shadow of a Heavenly Truth, and a Kingdom Truth hidden in the Heavenly.
The Heavenly truths which cause the shadows are hidden in the Secret Place of God, to be found by those who seek the Face of Jesus.
So this Word is all about Jesus and His Kingdom. God Bless you as you read on.

At the start let me say that “three” in Kingdom terms, is a very significant number. It stands for “Divine Completeness” or “Perfect Testimony”.

Some Examples are:

The Godhead ~ Father, Son, Holy Spirit
The Glorified Name of Jesus ~ Lord Jesus Christ
Three realms in the tabernacle
Three main Feasts
The Three days of Jesus
The Three that bear record ~ Father Word Holy Ghost
Three men in the Fiery Furnace
Three Delivered men ~ Noah, Daniel, Job (Ezekiel 14:14)
Three patriarchs ~ Abraham Isaac Jacob
Three Posts on the doorway for the Blood ~ (Ex. 12:7)

Now … In 2 Samuel 23:8, we read of David’s Three Mighty Men.

David had a mighty army in which there were captains, and among his troops and captains, came these Three Mighty Men.

The literal meaning of “mighty” is that they were valiant, strong, champion, giants, men that excelled. So in terms of their might, it was reflected in their actions, and they stood out in David’s troops as men who were different.

You know folks, this is who God looks for today, and I believe that David’s Mighty Men are a shadow of a complete and perfect testimony company in the Kingdom on earth today. 

David’s Three Were:

1. Adino. Meaning “Ornament”. He was chief in the seat among the captains, and he slew 800 people at one time with his spear. He was David’s chief. An ornament adds glory and an adornment to something. Adino added a glory to David’s kingdom. He is a shadow of a Kingdom people who wear the Glory of Jesus.

2. Eleazar. Meaning “God is my helper”. In battle, he held the sword and fought until his hand was weary. He arose and gripped the sword in battle against the Philistines by Judah. He is a shadow of a people who stand up, take the sword and prevail and don’t consider their human weakness. They are able to do this with the help of God.

3. Shammah. Meaning “Famous, Renowned”. When the Philistines were trying to take a farm of lentils, the people fled, but Shammah stood his ground in the midst of the field and defended it. He defeated the Philistines and wrought a great victory. He earned widespread fame and reputation for standing his ground as the others fled. 

So we see that David’s Mighty Men were mighty in their resolve to stand for the Kingdom in the face of fierce opposition. They could only do this with a calling and anointing of God which David must have recognized. They did not fear, and knew that their help and ability was found only in God.

As a threefold company, they are a shadow of a Kingdom company of people who will serve Jesus, known as the Sons of God.

In v 13, we read that the Philistine troops were in the Valley of Rephaim, and the Three came to the Cave Adullam to help David who was in the garrison of the Philistines. 
David was thirsty and longed for water from the well at Bethlehem. The Three broke through the host of the Philistines, got the water from the well, and got it to David. 
These men were prepared to fight for their king in the face of opposing forces, and they trusted God. V 17 .. David wouldn’t drink it because he honored that they had risked their blood to get this for him. So he poured it on the ground. 

This is a shadow of a people who serve Jesus with no thought of themselves. This of course is what Jesus did when He went to the cross to die for the sin of the world, that we could be forgiven and reconciled to our Father God.

This is a personal challenge to those who desire to serve Jesus. Everything must be surrendered to that including our own personal position.

Now… In V 18,19 we read of another three, but they didn’t attain to the Mighty Three. Abishai (“source of wealth”) was their chief.

In V 20, 23 we see yet another three led by Benaiah (“God is Intelligent”), but they didn’t attain to the Mighty Three, and were after the other three. 

So what we have here in David’s Kingdom of Judah, are three companies which had different ranks, and they are a shadow of a Kingdom people today:

The Three Mighty Men – The One Hundred-fold company.
The second company led by Abishai – The Sixty-fold company.
The third company led by Benaiah – The Thirty-fold company.

These are types of Company’s in the Kingdom. These are not physical but Spiritual Company’s – some thirty-fold, some sixty-fold, some one hundred-fold.

You see beloved, God does have different Companies of believers. Jesus Himself did on earth. 

He chose twelve disciples
He had three prominent men among them, Peter, James and John.
Of the three, John was His beloved, or most favored. 

Jesus still has a Kingdom company who the Bible refers to as His Sons. I believe these to be the one hundred-fold company of His priests who will bear the David’s types of Ornamental Glory, Godly Help and Godly renown. They serve Jesus only, and all things are surrendered to that. They are not afraid of opposition and will break the troops of the enemy to serve their King.

What a Glorious type these Three Mighty Men are. What a Glorious revelation of Kingdom principles.

I share this message that it might bring a clearer understanding of these Kingdom principles. It’s not to elevate people but to reveal the heart of God in these days of His moving. 

I want to pose a question:

In terms of the three fold Kingdom company’s, where do you see yourself? In the thirty, the sixty or the one hundred realms?

God is the one who places us, but He does it on the basis of our commitment and walk. 

Where have you set your desire? Do you desire to attain to the highest realm in God, or are you content to dwell in the outer courts.

I think it all gets down to the hearts. The heart which God seeks is the one which seeks after the Face of Jesus, and will sacrifice all things to Him. There can be no other idols before Him. (read message on The Tabernacles).

We are in the last hours of the Church day and the Kingdom Day of Jesus will overtake in this earth. The morning star is arising in the east and the Feast of Tabernacles will Glorify Jesus as Lord and King. The captives will be brought from religious Babylon, and the Spiritual temples made ready for great and mighty Day of The Lord.

I pray that this word may bring understanding of a precious shadow in David’s Three Mighty Men.

If you have read this and you are not born-again, then I encourage you to ask Jesus into your life. This is an act of Faith built on your confession that He is God's Son, that He died on the cross for your sin and that He arose from the dead. If you will believe, repent of your sin and ask Jesus into your heart, you will be born again. God Bless you. Email me and I will encourage you in your walk.

Always for Jesus

Larry Wilson.

Saturday 27 August 2016



I pray that this message will be a blessing to all who love Jesus and desire to live in His fullness.

If you are reading this and you are not a Christian, then I invite you to accept Jesus into your life and become born-again. It just takes simple faith. Acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, that He came to this earth and died on the cross for the sin of the world. Believe that he arose from the dead and is seated at God's right hand. If you will do this, ask Him to come into your heart, and you will be saved. God Bless you. Email me and I will support you into the Kingdom of God.

This is a simple word to encourage us all. I am referring to 

Romans 8

In V 28,

Paul refers to a group of people who are “called according to God’s purpose”. Note that it is a single purpose. The Amplified bible says “all things are fitting into a plan for good, to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose”.
Jehovah God, who created all things, has a plan and a purpose in all that He does. He has chosen to call people into His plan and purpose, and they a people who will fit into these.
His purpose has never changed, and we can see from the time of Adam, people who He has used through the ages of time. Well He hasn’t finished, and we are in a time when He is forming His Sonship Company whom He will reveal from the womb of their forming.

V 29  

He FOREKNEW them i.e. He KNEW them at the start

Those He knew He PREDESTINED i.e. He earmarked them to be conformed into the image of Jesus and to share inwardly His likeness in all forms. This is only possible because Jesus is the firstborn of such a company, and He shall have many brethren after Him in His likeness.

V 30

So those whom God earmarked, HE CALLED. I believe that in each life there was a specific time when God said “now you will hear My call and I will show you that you are earmarked for My purpose”. This is the Feast of Trumpets preceding the Atonement.

Those He called, He JUSTIFIED. i.e. they were acquitted, made righteous and reconciled to Himself in the image of Jesus. This is the Feast of Atonement preceding the Feast of Glory.

Those He justified, He GLORIFIED. This is the fullness of the image of Jesus. The Amplified says “raised them to a Heavenly dignity and condition or state of being”. So these Sons are in the image of The Man From the Heavens, Jesus. (See message “The Third Man From The Heavens)

So we see that there is a progression for God’s destined company of Sons ~ a people whom He knew would fit into His plan and purpose for creation. The birthmark of this company is that they Love Jesus above everything else in their lives. This progression is in His order according to His Purpose.

Now….. Some Q. and A.

V 31  

Q. If God is for us, who can be against us?

A. in V 32 - If God could give Jesus for us, how difficult is it for Him to be for us, help us and protect us. Therefore if God would freely do the greatest thing for us, He will graciously do all things.

V 33

Q.  Who can bring a charge against His Elect?

A.  seeing that He has declared us righteous, obviously nobody can – else His declaration is worthless. Nobody can come forward to accuse or impeach us or challenge our credibility, all because of the Blood of Jesus and the declaration of God which carries the same power as every word He has ever spoken.

V 34

Q. Who is there to condemn us?

A.  Nobody can, because Jesus died and arose from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of God interceding for us. Because of Him, nobody in Heaven or earth or in the realm of darkness can penetrate past Him with any condemnation about us to God.
How awesome is this! When you grasp this, it lifts you to a higher realm. All praise to Jesus. 

V 35

Q.  Who shall separate us from the Love of Jesus?

A. Nothing can. No tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword. It doesn’t mean that we may not experience these, (V 36) but that they cannot pull us apart from His Love. God so Loved the world that He gave Jesus, and Jesus so honored that His Father so Loved us, that His Love is the same to us. We may experience these things, but V 37 says that we are more than conquerors because of that Love of Jesus.
Nothing can have victory over us because of the all conquering power of the Love of Jesus.

So what is the effect of all of this?


Are you persuaded by all of this Kingdom Truth? Are you aware that the Love that saved you at the cross protects you from everything at the right hand of God where Jesus intercedes for you? If you have any doubt, then ask Holy Spirit to make this word alive to you and fill you with the Truth.

In verses 38 and 39, Paul opens a door to build our persuasion on:-

Death, life, angels, principalities, power, things now, things future, height, depth, any other thing made,



Why is This?

Because God is For Us

What a Glorious realm to be Foreordained, Called, Chosen, Justified and Glorified.
These Glorious Kingdom Truths are the Highest. Nothing can be above them. They describe our position as Sons of God in the progression of coming into the fullness of Jesus.

However, Rev 3:19 makes it clear that those whom God Loves, He rebukes and chastens. So we are to develop a Zeal unto repentance which brings the change within us. Those who do this will be granted to be seated with Jesus in His Throne.

You will not be surprised to know that David saw all of this. We see it in Psalm 27, which I encourage you to read. He also presents a series of questions and concludes that he has great confidence in God. He too was PERSUADED. I think that this is the key. Are you persuaded? Am I? 

We become persuaded through Truth and personal experience. We all have areas where God has met us which makes us persuaded.

There was a foundation laid in Zion upon which, as David’s seed, we can base our confidence and strength. It is a foundation found in the High Place of God.

Based on our testimony we have proof. This brings persuasion which gives us confidence. We can then make Statements of Trust which is what David and Paul did.

Can we write a Statement of Trust? Think on this and do the exercise if you feel it beneficial.

This is a simple Statement from me:

“I have confidence in God because He has proven Himself to me in so many ways in my life circumstances. I have been persuaded that He is always there and will keep me. He has proven His Love for me as a Son, because He has allowed circumstances to correct me, strengthen me, and deliver me from many fears. I will Praise Him always”.  

“Seek Me with all your Heart, and you will find Light and Life, for such is My Kingdom says The Lord. I am for you because I Love you. My Word is impregnated with Kingdom Life which is hidden in the Secret Place of My dwelling. If you seek Me you will find Me. My sons are Beloved as was Solomon to Me, and you are written into My plan and purpose. Your Savior is at My right hand, and your name is heard in My Throne room. The angels witness this and worship when Jesus cries for His sheep”.    

All Glory to Jesus

Larry Wilson


Thursday 18 August 2016



The Tabernacles

In the OT there are 3 tabernacles, each of which stood for different stages in God’s Kingdom and purposes:

1. Moses Tabernacle represents the law age. This tabernacle together with the law to which man could not attain, found its end on the Mount of Gilgal. This is where Israel spent the first night after crossing the Jordan. 

2. David’s Tabernacle which represents the Church day. David took the Ark which represented God’s presence, from Gilgal and brought it to Zion. The Glorious realm of Zion and all that David introduced is the type of the Church which Acts 15 talks of. David found salvation and was a prophet. Jesus built much on the foundation of David, and of course we know of “The Sure Mercies of David”, and the “Key of David”. All too much to mention here.

3. Solomon’s Temple which represents the Kingdom Day of Jesus. Towards the end of his life, David realized that all that he had done was for man, which is what the Church Day is for. He wanted to build a temple for The Lord, but God was going to do a new thing with a new man. So David’s son Solomon was anointed to establish a new day with its Glorious Temple. However God gave David the blueprints for the Temple which he handed on the Solomon. So we see here the pattern of the Church handing over to a new order of priesthood, the order of the Kingdom Day of Jesus. I believe this new priesthood to be the Rev 12 Sons of God hidden in the womb of the Church. God promised this Melchizedek line to David. 

This message is based on Solomon’s Temple, the Third Tabernacle, the Third Day of Jesus.

The first two tabernacles had three realms and contained items which all had Kingdom meaning. These were in Solomon’s Temple, 


Solomon Introduced Something That Didn’t Appear In the Earlier Tabernacles!
It was

The Molten Sea

We find about this in 1 Kings 7:23, and 2 Chron. 4:2

These scriptures describe a large molten bronze bowl which held 3000 baths of water, which is 66,000 litres which would have come from Solomon’s pools. 
It was 7.5 feet high, 15 feet wide, and 45 feet circumference.  It had a brim of about 5 inches which was engraved with the lily.
It sat on the backs of 12 brazen oxen in groups of 3 each facing the compass points. 
It stood between the altar and the Temple.

This is an artist’s impression:

Like me, you may have started to see the significance here. These are glorious, and they relate to the Kingdom Day. I won’t expand on them here, but they are mysteries to be seen.

The earlier Tabernacle had a smaller water laver in which the priest would wash prior to entering in to the courts, but it didn’t have the Molten Sea. Why was this? Well God didn’t get it wrong, but He had a further purpose for the Kingdom Day.

In 2 Chron 4:6 we are told that Solomon had ten lavers for other washings, but that 


So we have here a spiritual operation on a Kingdom Day Priesthood which didn’t operate in the Church Day Priesthood.

I believe that this further washing is for the cleansing of the Kingdom Day Priesthood from the fallen human nature into the Glorious immortal image of Jesus. 
At the transfiguration, we are shown that the natural form of Jesus would change into an immortal glorified person. In the Molten Sea there is a Deep calling unto Deep to a Priesthood who would be transfigured into the Divine image of Jesus. All Glory to Jesus.

Beloved, there is a deeper water for washing. There is a washing of the Water of The Word reserved in the Secret place for those who have heard the call to the Third Feast, the Feast of Tabernacles. There were three main feasts:

Passover ~      representing salvation in Jesus, the first realm…… the 30                         fold realm
Pentecost ~    representing Holy Ghost Baptism, the second realm…… 
                        the 60 fold realm
Tabernacles ~ representing the Glory of Jesus, the third realm…… the 
                        one hundred fold realm. His Secret Place.

Now – The Feast of Tabernacles was divided into 3 smaller Feasts:

*The Feast of Trumpets ……. Where you hear the call to the Feast of 
*The Feast of Atonement …..This is the cleansing which we see at the 
  Molten Sea. It precedes-
*The Feast of Glory….. The Kingdom Day of Jesus.

So we have a response to the call, a second washing into His Divine Nature and perfection, and a ministering in His Day.

I want to share a deeper revelation of the Temple Sea.
One of the great acts of God at creation was controlling the chaos. Gen 1:9 …. The waters were gathered together into one place and land appeared. Job 38:8 He closed the sea with doors. 
I see signified in the Temple Sea, another creative act of God at the start of the Kingdom Day, where world chaos is brought into order, and a Priesthood who partake in this deep washing.

In Rev 21:1 we see that in the new Heaven and earth there is no more sea. The new sea in Rev 15:2 is the Sea of Glass mingled with fire on which stand the overcomers with the harps of God.

At the start of the Kingdom Day of Jesus, the chaos of the world will be overcome by the precepts of The Kingdom, and I see that the Molten Sea is a symbol to this.

At creation, the firmament of heaven was above the waters. Gen 1:20 – birds aircraft, inhabit the open firmament of heaven. “Firmament” simply means expanse of heavens. There is an open firmament first heaven, there is a second heaven which is where the stars, planets etc are, and there is God’s Third Heaven where His throne is. This is the Third Heaven I believe where Paul was taken.

Now – back at the Molten Sea, we saw that it was placed at the entrance to the Temple of God’s presence. I believe that it signifies an existence of sea between the second and third heavens which signifies the washing by Jesus to enter in there. But inside, there is no sea, only the sea of glass, where everything is transparent.

(As a matter of interest, I asked God one day where the waters from the Noah flood went? They had to go somewhere. If the water just evaporated, clouds would have formed and the cycle of rains repeated, and we know this didn’t happen. 
I felt God say to me that He removed them out beyond the heavens, which I believed to be the first 2 heavens. This meant that they would be placed between the second and third heavens. When I started to understand the mystery of the Molten Sea, I began to see a picture. 
I was excited when I read some time after that, that astronomers had discovered an unexplained mass of water out beyond space.)

I have sought to share here, the secret of the Molten Sea and what it means in the Kingdom. God has a purpose in all things, and He speaks to us in forms and symbols. 

Beloved there is a second washing for the Kingdom Priesthood who minister in Solomon’s temple. Only these Priests will see this and they will run to the Sea for the Cleansing unto perfection.
Do you see this? Do you believe it? I didn’t know of it until Holy Spirit showed it to me, and I share it with the hearts prepared to receive.  
I pray that this Word will bring a deeper understanding of the Kingdom of Jesus.
 It’s not doctrine – simply revelation of His Kingdom truths.

“Hear My Word saith Jesus The Word. It will not return to Me void of it having settled in the hearts of My Sons, and having fed with the food of Angels. The Kingdom given of My Father is a Day of Glory and I send out invitations to a great feast of atonement which will be a feast for the fullness of your salvation which began when you accepted Me as your Savior. I will not delay for your consideration. If you hear My call run to this feast for the doors are open. If you reject you will forsake your calling. There are sheep that hear my voice. Seek My Face and you will understand”.       

All Glory to Jesus,
Larry Wilson.

Friday 12 August 2016



The record of King David of Israel’s walk and relationship with The Lord is revealed in the Psalms by people appointed by him to keep record of things seen and spoken during the times of worship and praise in Zion. Many of the Psalms are David’s own account of his life experiences and walk with The Lord.

David’s Zion is a living realm. The Lord took the foundation of Zion and it has become a living realm unto this day for those who find it. In Psalm 89:36, the covenant Psalm, The Lord promised David that his seed “shall endure for ever and his throne as the sun before Me”. 

When The Lord says “forever”, He means forever, and “forever” happens to include 2016 A.D. So we have David’s “seed” and his “throne” enduring before The Lord God Jehovah today. I know that Jesus is the “offspring of David”, and that He sits in the “throne of David”, but there is also a seed in the earth called the “Sons of God” who share the line of David as God’s Elect Sons. These are a company of Christians comprising the Revelation 12 “Manchild Company” who shall serve Jesus Christ The Lord, as kings and priests in His Kingdom Day on this earth. They are called and chosen because they looked beyond the religious church day and heard The Trumpet Call to the “Feast of Tabernacles” which is actually the soon coming 1000 year Kingdom Day of Jesus on this earth, the “Feast of His Glory”. They are David’s seed and have attained the greater promises sought by the servants of old from Abraham unto David. This company of His Sons have the heart of God and are in the spiritual process of being transfigured from the human nature inherited from Adam, into the Glorious Divine Nature of Jesus, and they shall be His first-fruits into the realm of immortality, born of the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.

The world is heading to the close of the current age marked by the end of the 2000 years of the Christian Church. This will give way to the 1000 Kingdom Day of Jesus where He shall rule and reign through His Sons in the throne of their heart. The earth will be ruled by Godly principles of life and peace rather than the current precepts of man. You see, Jesus Christ has not ruled physically in the earth during His Church age, but rather it has been an age of evangelism accomplished by Jesus through His church. This period in God’s whole plan has been for man. His RULE will actually come to the earth during the Kingdom Day. His Sons will rule and reign with Him for 1000 years. This period in God’s plan will be for the exaltation and Glory of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God found worthy of all the Glory and honor.

I want to give a word of exhortation here to the Seed of David. David laid a pattern for us in the Psalms. Most of the Psalms carry at the start, a description of what it is about and the type of music or singing when they were sung in David’s Zion worship. They were instructional, prophetic and exhorting, but the essence of them all is PRAISE unto The Lord. David’s tribe of Judah were the PRAISE tribe.


From Psalm 120 – Psalm 134, you will notice that the 15 Psalms all carry the description “Song of Degrees”. Four of them are of David and no.127 was a song for Solomon his son. In the Hebrew language, “Song of Degrees” literally means a “Song of Arising, Ascending, and Lifting Up (in the sense of into a higher realm)”.

So we have hidden here in the Davidic line a principle of “arising into higher realms”. Blessed be The Lord of Hosts! This arising carries with it the sense of being delivered or leaving behind the things at the former level.

This message is not an historic study, but a vital Word of Truth to those who would hear.

In these 15 Psalms we see 15 different areas that The Lord will move in our lives and circumstances as we humble our hearts before Him and bring the sacrifice of Praise from a broken spirit and contrite heart. Some of us will identify with these circumstances and as we do, I want to declare a lifting up into Jesus, into His Victory realm high above all things and circumstances.

The 15 areas are:

Psalm 120    deliverance from liars and deceivers into Peace
Psalm 121    safety and protection in The Lord, the only source of our help
Psalm 122    peace and prosperity in the Holy Place and to those that love that realm
Psalm 123    looking to The Lord and finding His mercy amidst the proud and scorners
Psalm 124    help and escape in The Lord from evildoers
Psalm 125    safety and stability in Zion and judgement on the workers of iniquity
Psalm 126    deliverance from religion and the joy and refreshing of Zion
Psalm 127    (for Solomon the type of the Sons) the vanity of human endeavour. The Sons  
                       of the womb the heritage of The Lord
Psalm 128    blessings in Zion from fear of The Lord
Psalm 129    deliverance in affliction
Psalm 130    great expectation in The Lord
Psalm 131    hope with humility
Psalm 132    the Glory of His presence in Zion
Psalm 133    life for evermore in Zion
Psalm 134    praise in His presence

You will see the pattern here of arising from the effect of evil and affliction into the mercy, peace and safety from The Lord. This is coupled with a heart of praise and worship. We have the foundation laid to arise in these same areas which David did. This can be real life experience . These same types of circumstances can drag us down but there is an arising for us laid by our father David on his throne. This is a Spiritual realm for us to lay hold of. There is an arising from all that holds you down, into the glorious victory won for you by Jesus in His death and resurrection. Worship Him and Praise Him in your deepest trials and you will find that victory. The Spirit of God will cause you to arise as He leads you into the realm which David laid for you and which Jesus won for you. This Victory comes by the Grace of God and the Mercy which He pours upon all who come to him by faith. Jesus will make you free. Just believe this and Praise Him if you find like David, the Glory of His presence in Zion.

The only true place of worship in spirit and truth is in spiritual Zion, for this is where The Lord dwells. David knew this in his heart and that is why he bought the ark of The Lord to Zion from the worn out old religious tabernacle in mount Gilgal. Most Christians are stuck at the mountain of Gilgal but His Presence is not there. Their worship is in forms and traditions after the order of man.

I speak as a prophet to the worshippers on “Gilgal” that there is truth about worship, and you can accept or reject the truth. You see, Jesus said in John 4:24, “for God is Spirit, and they that worship Him MUST worship Him in Spirit AND in Truth”. Jesus made this a MUST!! Leave the mountain of Gilgal with its religious effort and come to Zion. You MUST worship Jesus in spirit. Organised religion is dead. The ark has been moved. It’s gone to Zion!

David birthed Zion praise and worship and this is what The Father seeks, for that is where He dwells. Psalm 132:13-14 “for The Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. This is His rest FOREVER, here will He dwell….” The Lord has His personal desires and makes choices just like we do.

You may ask “what is Zion worship?” This is simply where you sing the “New Song” as on offering of Praise and worship from a “broken spirit and contrite heart”. This is what David’s Zion worship was, and still is, and his seed in the Tribe of Judah are true worshippers. If it were possible to gather these ones together from across the world into a combined meeting place, what a glorious realm of praise and worship it would be. This is a vision of mine.  In such a meeting there would be no overhead projectors, no business announcements, and the only offering would be the song of praise from the broken spirits and contrite hearts. You would know the Presence of The Lord and the oneness of heart. This realm will cause you to arise into a higher realm and you would never want to leave it.  

This is how David’s Tabernacle was. Bless Jesus our wonderful Saviour. Praise His wonderful Name which is higher than any other name. He is The Lord of Hosts and the mighty King of Kings. Every knee will bow to Him and confess that HE is LORD. He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness. He hears the cry of everyone who calls to Him and meets every need. He will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought and you will be like a watered garden and a spring of water which will never run dry.

I honour and praise Jesus and declare Him to be the lover of my soul. He is faithful and a rock and guards me in the secret place of His presence. He is perfecting and changing me into His Divine Nature. I found His presence and will never leave it.

David was a man of arising and he knew this. He knew this realm because he knew the heart of God. I know this realm and I share it with you. There is a lifting up for you if you will humble your heart.

Look what David said of himself in 1 Chronicles 17:16- He is praying to The Lord and expresses his absolute humility. David wants to build a Temple as a dwelling place for The Lord, but is told that his son will do this. From V 16 you will see his heart in thanksgiving to The Lord. He says in V 17, that he knows that he is seen by The Lord in the form of a MAN OF ARISING. 

David knew his heart and he found the place of arising. Not only that, but he knew that The Lord regarded him as “a man in the form of a man of arising”.

David has established “A MAN OF ARISING” on his throne acceptable in the sight of The Lord FOREVER.

Who are you in God’s sight? Do you know how The Lord sees you? Without all the religious cliché’s, can you say with any confidence that you know how The Lord regards you? Have you found the things that please The Lord? What is The Lord able to say of you?

I am not asking what you do for The Lord, I am asking how far you have moved on in Him since you were born-again.

The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Do you accept His Word through His prophets by faith?  Most preachers today will talk about historical Bible facts and stories and stay in the comfort zone of their religious and denominational forms and traditions.

Why not step out and create something between yourself and The Lord!!! Have you ever made a personal covenant with Him? Something real and spiritually alive – something which He fed you because you hungered and thirsted after Him! Something you know that causes Him to say, ”I regard this person because…………..”.

The Lord calls you right now. He challenges you because He loves you and wants you partaking of the Life unto which He called you. Will you step out. Fall on your face before Him and ask Him to lead you to His Presence. Surrender everything to Him and be willing to pay the price. You will never regret it. Like David and his seed be able to say that “I know that The Lord regards me as……………..”.  

This “MAN” today is the Revelation 12 “MANCHILD” company of the Sons of God who have arisen into the double portion of perfection in Jesus with the same heart as David, and seated in his throne.

I want to say to the Sons of God that The Lord sees and knows you as a person of arising. He regards you in the form of a person of arising. He regards the faith you had to enter into His Immortal Life and allow the Spirit of God to transform you into that same image.  Regardless of whatever circumstances may be afflicting you, and your frustrations and struggles, The Lord regards you as HIS BELOVED SON.


There is one realm which David was unable to arise into but he saw it and laid it for his seed. This is the realm of IMMORTALITY into which he could not arise for Jesus had not yet died and arisen from the dead. But The Sons Of God have seen this and their Glorious realm of arising is not just from circumstances of life, but from the fallen realm of Adam’s death INTO THE GLORIOUS IMAGE OF JESUS. This is how He sees us!! As people in the form of His own Glorious Divine Nature. I want to Praise His Wonderful Name and Worship Him for the calling to, and revelation of this glorious realm.

The world does not know this, and religion is blind to the truth that there is a company of those on the earth who have arisen into the fullness of Jesus Christ and by-passed death. They are the new priesthood who will serve Jesus in His Kingdom Day on this earth. I say that they are unknown but the day is imminent when this company will be revealed by The Lord and they shall bring His Kingdom to earth. THEY SIT WITH JESUS IN THE THRONE OF DAVID. The world shall fear before them for they shall rule and reign with a rod of iron! Their words shall carry life and they shall speak with authority.

Ezekiel was a prophet some 500 years after David. In Ch.43 of Ezekiel he prophesies the return of the Glory of The Lord into the temple and goes on to describe the pattern of the temple. There are many glorious truths here concerning the “living temples of His Glory”, the Sons of God. One of these is in V 17 which says that the altar area has stairs or an “arising” which faces the east. Also in V 4 it says that “the Glory of The Lord entered the temple by the way of the gate which faces the east. Now this “altar” is the Hebrew word “Ariel” which literally means “Lion of God”. Bless His Wonderful Name! You see, the Lion of God is the tribe of Judah. In fact Jesus is the Lion of Judah. He laid Himself down as an altar of sacrifice. The Sons of God come from the Spiritual tribe of Judah because it is David’s tribe of Praise and Worship. The Sons of God have laid themselves down on altars of sacrifice. They too are the “Ariel of God”, and like Jesus they have an arising which faces the east. In the camps of Israel as they journeyed from Egypt to their promised land of Canaan, the Tribe of Judah always camped nearest to the gate of the tabernacle and their camp always faced the east. “East” is where the light arises first, and Judah were in the position of the “arising light”. We saw in V 4 that the Glory of The Lord comes in from the east.

The Spiritual Tribe of Judah, the Sons of God, have always had their hearts towards the Arising Light of The Word of The Lord, and The Glory of God has entered into these living temples from the place of arising. The Sons are the “first-fruits” of the Glory of The Lord filling them as the Living Temples.

The day is coming when the Glory of Jesus will be seen in these Temples. Whenever the presence of The Lord came into the natural temple, the Holy Place was filled with the Shekinah cloud of His Glory. When Jesus comes back to this earth, you had better be sure you know where to look for Him. You will find Him in one place only – in His Temple which will be filled with His Glory. Look for His appearing in the company of those who have been built as the Living Temples for they shall be filled with the Glory of His Life and immortality. Jesus is not going to come and set up some headquarters here on earth. He will never again divest Himself of His Glory to come to this fallen earth. But rather He has been forming the company of His Sons for the ministry in His Kingdom Day.

Precious Sons of God, the bright and morning star is arising in our hearts heralding the dawning of a New Day. Lift up our hearts and rejoice for the Glory of The Lord is coming into His Temple. He wants us now to let our hearts be filled with the New Song unto Him and as we lay our crowns before Him and sing “worthy the Lamb”, surely this, our SONG OF DEGREES will lift us up and cause us to ascend into the high place of our calling seated far above all things in the throne of our father David. I  speak a word of strength and power into each heart and life remembering that we shall renew our strength and shall mount up with wings like eagles. Keep your eyes on Jesus and His purposes rather than the things happening on the earth, for these must surely be.

The Lord gave me this prophetic Word:

“I have angels of destruction sent to stir the waters. They obey My commands and accomplish My will on the earth, and you have seen their hand in recent stirrings of the waters. These are neither man-made events nor are they natural disasters, and the works of My Hand must not be ascribed to evil. I am bringing My judgement to the earth in awesome displays of My Righteousness. This is the hour of My judgement on the ways of darkness which have permeated the earth for long enough. Enough is enough. My judgement is actually a trumpet call for I am about to again take control of creation, binding the hand of satan who has manifested his hand for long enough. My patience with man is running out and I wield a sword of judgement before the great day of My Peace upon earth.”   

Wherever you are right now, or whatever your circumstances, there is a “lifting up” for you.
If your need is to be born-again, then it is a gift of God’s grace to you through Jesus Christ.  Just confess your belief that He is the Son of God, that He died for you and that He was raised from the dead. Ask Him to come into your heart and the promise of God is that He Will and you will be born-again. The Bible says that you must be Born-again. You see salvation is not a religious or denominational thing; it is a relationship with Jesus. He will come into your heart and lead you by His Holy Spirit.

 I want to encourage those who have stood in the Sonship truth. You have been faithful and even in much trial and adversity you have been true to the calling. Be strong and know that you are not alone. There is a great company of those who stand with you. The Lord is preparing His army. With great strength and filled with the Glory of God this army will proclaim the “Day of The Lord” as their presence fills the land. This is a company of people who have been preparing for this day in their hearts for many years. Overlooked by the world and rejected by the religious, yet “beloved” of The Lord for their hearts have been found faithful. I would Bless and encourage you my brothers and sisters in the womb. The Lord is in His Holy Temple; let all the earth keep silence!





It is with great joy that I share with you a deeper insight into a parable which Jesus told. I was out my daily walk, and quite often it is at this time that I have deep fellowship with The Lord. On this particular day I was meditating on the Father and His Sons, and immediately I began thinking about the parable recorded in Luke 15, generally referred to as “The Prodigal Son”.

Particular scripture can have multiple purposes as the Holy Spirit quickens it for diverse purposes, and I share with you what He revealed to me, and it will not return to Him void of what he sends it forth to accomplish.
May the hearts of The Sons rejoice as our Father desires to encourage and strengthen us. There is no doubt in my mind that we are all at a similar point in our forming. I believe that we are as I write, in a deep separation from all things. These are both natural things and relationships. We have entered a “Gethsemane” stage in our lives, and will be feeling the agony which Jesus felt in His Gethsemane. Gethsemane represents the “death” of the human soul. Jesus then went to the cross for the salvation of the world where He underwent death for us. 

With the Sons, we are going through a conscious death of the Adamic soul but will not experience that physical death, but rather we will enter into His Glorious resurrected Life in the image of His Divine Nature…..what a Glorious truth and privilege to be called and chosen.
I have no doubt that each person in the Manchild Company is experiencing this same dealing right now, so I am able to encourage you. 

Jesus established the dynamics for those in His earthly ministry who wanted to follow Him. You will recall what He said in Luke 9:57 – One man wanted to follow Jesus wherever He went and Jesus made him aware that unlike even the animals, He had nowhere to lay His head, so that is what would be required of His followers. Two others were willing to follow but had to take care of some social and family responsibilities which Jesus quickly subordinated to Kingdom calling. There was nothing inherently wrong with what they needed to do, but beloved nothing of this world or life can have any place or priority above the Kingdom Day call. This is why we have to be willing to forsake all things and people for His sake. It is not easy, and it hurts, but He must bring us to a place where He is our sole focus and purpose for living. I am experiencing these things personally and I know the cost of this calling, but I also know that it is nothing compared to the privilege of ruling and reigning in the Kingdom Feast on this earth.

A dear sister in the womb, Diana Summers in Oregon USA, reminded me regularly of the necessity of this separation. I am so grateful for others in this walk as it gives  support with much patience and love.

Put yourself in our Father’s place. If you were to choose a company of people to birth the Melchisedeck priesthood on this earth to minister as Kingdom priests in the Day of Glory for Jesus, what would you require of this priesthood? …. Selah

Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, you are not alone. No strange thing is happening to you. We are in the womb being transfigured into a new creation to emerge in the image of Jesus. I extend my support, help and love. Feel free to email me at ldwilson888@gmail.com

The Holy Spirit spoke with me about these 

The essence of this story is played out between a Father and two sons. The elder son is quite settled in his ways in life and does the same things day by day. The boredom and status quo does not satisfy the younger son so he asks his father for inheritance money and leaves his known life in search of the answer to his unrest. After riotous living surrounded by pseudo friends he runs out of money, and the lifestyle with its friends is no more. He ends up eating what the pigs left over. Jesus tells us that at this point of his life he was dead. Well we know that he hadn’t died a physical death, but rather it was his natural life with its style which was dead, leaving the young man lost. What he thought would satisfy was not life at all and this sent him back to his father. This must have taken humility which is borne out in his statement to his father that he was not worthy to be called a son.

I started to see here a likeness to Jehovah God and His sons.
As I have said, different truths can be gleaned from the parables, and I share what I saw on my walk.

I see the elder son as a type of the first and second realm born-again Christian, who are loyal and faithful to their church day duties and their walk is predictable. They are “always there”. The Father loves them and appreciates them and they have an inheritance one day.
The younger son is a type of the Sons of God. 

Something has happened in his life. Yes he has wasted time in “things”, but the essence is that there has been a conscious death and a coming forth into a higher life characterized only by that which is bestowed by his father. The path there has been strewn with false joy and suffering to the son, but there is an excitement in the Father, which he doesn’t manifest towards the elder son.
Both sons had an inheritance to share but the younger son got a blessing above his brother. This bears similarity to the Sons of God. It is not earned, but it is bestowed by the Father because His Sons are found on the path of brokenness and humility.

His father saw him afar off. Beloved, our Father saw us afar off, and we were sealed before creation. At the time when we heard the call beyond the veil, our Father saw us and had compassion and ran to us and hugged us and kissed us, because over the ages since David, He has watched down the Highway to Zion which passes through the Valley of Bacca (weeping), looking for His Sons and Daughters seeking His presence in Zion, and having endured the human loss, they walk that path with brokenness and sacrifice. He saw us beloved, and His embrace has never ended. His compassion is always there and at the right moment Jesus will commission His angels to bring His Sons to His Feast of Glory.
The Blessing bestowed included:
  A Robe
  A Ring
  A Feast
The first three represent adornment and the Feast of course is the participation in great celebration. The feast was the father’s feast because of the principle of change in his son, not to glorify the son. The elder brother was not included in any of this, and when he learned of it, he was jealous and complained to his father claiming unfairness. He wasn’t included because he didn’t understand the dynamic, and didn’t fit in. The Church day Christians are critical of the Sonship truth and our Father will not include them in the great Feast. They are saved and blessed and will share inheritance, but cannot share in the higher blessing bestowed upon the Sons of God.

The Adornment

Beloved, there is a ROBE put away ready to be placed upon you. It has been tailored for you and has your name on it. This is not the religious ecclesiastical robe but a New Robe for a New Man. I believe it is the Robe of IMMORTALITY which Jesus shall place upon us in order that we might wear it to His Feast. It is the Robe of Jesus Glory. The angel in Jesus empty tomb was wearing one, because they too are immortal. The Sons have no funeral plans – no cemetery plots. One of my sibling brothers takes delight in regularly asking me if I have my funeral arranged. I take greater delight in reminding him that I will never have a funeral as my appointment with death has been annulled. 
We shall wear this ROBE with great praise and worship for Jesus after whom it has been patterned. 

Jesus then speaks of a RING to be placed on this son. Nowhere else does He ever speak of such. I believe that the RING stands for the “Seal of the Likeness to Jesus”. That is to say that our likeness to His Image will be the SEAL that we are His sons. The RING goes right back to the heart of Solomon whose reign is the type of the Kingdom Day. In Song 5:10 – talking of the beloved, Jesus, who was hidden and to be searched after – he describes His Adorning………….”hands like gold rings set with the Beryl jewel”. The Beryl is not well known as it is a rare gem. In Revelation, the Beryl is the 8th foundation stone on the wall of Jerusalem. “8” is the number of “new beginnings”, and is therefore signifying the eighth day, or the first day of eternity. The foundation of this new age is set in the seal of the Sons of God. In fact I seek after The Lord now to serve in the eighth day.
The parable’s elder son was given no ring. He could not wear this seal. It would not have suited him. It would have not even fitted him.

The SHOES again feature in Solomon, in Song 7:1 – where her feet were beautiful with shoes. The shoes protect from contamination with the dirt of this world. This comes to His Sons from living with Jesus in the Secret Place. The shoes of Luke 15 assure the Sons of this protection supplied by the Father. In the gospels Jesus always sent His disciples to go forth without shoes, so we see the difference between the Church Day and Kingdom Day ministry.

The father’s instructions were to bring the fatted calf, eat and be merry. The Gk word for “merry” means to “let your mind be at ease” – in other words the “Feast of Peace”, which is what this earth will experience during the Feast of Tabernacles. It will have taken over 2000 years for what the angels declared to come to pass…"peace on earth”. Man couldn’t produce it, but the Kingdom Day of Jesus shall.
We are not surprised to find that something of the Feast is hidden in David’s Zion, this time from Solomon in Eccl. 9:7 – Solomon is relating here to enjoying the good in life, but I hear it prophetically relating to the Feast of the Sons. 
“Go your way, eat and drink in joy and with a merry heart, for God Now Accepts Your Works”.

In the Kingdom Day beloved, the struggling is over. No further trials for His Sons. The fruit of the Day is Peace. Nations will be at Peace – the planet will be at Peace – families will be at Peace – peace will reign in the hearts of people, and all because the Kingdom of the Prince of Peace has come to the earth. The very nations and rulers who have been the instigators of wars, division and strife will bow to Jesus and acknowledge that He is the only Lord and King. False religions will fall, and those bound in religious Babylon will be led back to Zion and to partake in the rejoicing and joy as the Song of The Lord fills the streets.
God accepted us as people through the Blood of Jesus, now He accepts the works of those at the Feast. Like the parable son was accepted simply because he was home, so too with the Beloved at the Feast of Jesus. 
In verse 9:1, it says that “the Righteous Wise and their works are in the hands of God”. The Amplified then says “whether it is to be love or hatred no man knows; all that is before them”. 
All praise to Jesus: 
The personal Blessing which the Sons will know at the Kingdom Feast is revealed in V 7 – Amp. - “eat and drink with joy and cheer, for if you are Righteous, Wise, and in the Hands of God, GOD HAS ALREADY ACCEPTED YOUR WORKS”.

Beloved, what a joy to know NOW, that the Righteous Wise are in God’s hands and our works are accepted. 
Jesus said that “nobody could pluck His sheep out of His hand, because The Father who gave them to Him, IS GREATER THAN ALL”. Then He said, “The Father and I are ONE”. There is no power in heaven, or earth, or in the realms of Satan’s domain, that has the power to take us from the Hands of JESUS. And add to that 1 John 3:20, that “even if our hearts condemn us, GOD IS GREATER THAN OUR HEARTS”.

Precious Sons of God, what a celebration at the Feast of Jesus to have the Robe and the Ring and the Shoes placed upon us, and to shout for joy for what we believe in Truth today, that we are totally accepted by God and were always safe in Jesus Hands. 
Our Father saw us a long way off, and ran to us because we came to Him broken and humble, and He embraced us and gave us to Jesus as His Melchizedek Priests, and accepted everything about us. Once He did that and the womb was impregnated with the Sons of God, Our Father God then sent forth thousands of angels to prepare and make ready the Kingdom on Earth to be given to Jesus the Lord of Heaven, soon to be Lord over all the earth.
And, beloved, even if we let our hearts condemn us, hear this and remember it – “God is Greater than our hearts”.

I often imagine that if it were possible for the Sons and Daughters of God to assemble together on earth even now, what a force this world has never seen. Imagine the sound of the New Song, the Worship to Jesus, and the sacrifices of broken spirits and contrite hearts to our Father. I can only visualize this; I cannot find words to express how it would be. Not a large crowd in number but mighty in Zion.

“Father, my heart is overwhelmed as I write these things, and I commit them to Jesus that He will be Glorified by my writing. I hold before You every brother and sister who says Amen to these words, as together we share a rejoicing of heart for the Kingdom of Jesus. If our words to You could hasten this Day, then we would plead before You, but until the Day-star arises in our hearts, I call the Name over each dear soul, asking for Your wisdom, Your Guidance, and Your sustaining Grace for each dear one. Above all else Abba Father we offer you the daily sacrifice of our broken spirits and contrite hearts, that You be worshiped and Jesus be exalted in our worship”.

Always For Jesus,

Larry Wilson