Thursday 11 August 2016



The Old Testament in the Bible contains many references to Valleys and incidents that occurred in them. Whilst these were actual places and circumstances at the particular time, they also have particular Spiritual significance for us today. I had a man say to me recently that “surely I didn’t take the Old Testament literally”. Well yes I do, and in fact the New Testament says in 1 Corinthians 10:11, that things in the Old Testament “are an example and warning to us, written to admonish and fit us for right action by good instruction, we in whose days the ages have reached their climax, consummation and conclusion”. Romans 15:4  also says “whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction that by steadfast and patient endurance and the encouragement drawn from the Scriptures, we might hold fast to, and cherish hope”.

Spiritual Truth, secrets, instruction, revelation and understanding are contained in every event and circumstance in the Old Testament which is the Living Word able to make us wise. Jesus Himself is revealed throughout the entire Bible which is the only Word of Truth of the one True God Jehovah. 

I want to unfold an O.T. Valley in this message, and I ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you and take this Word that it be living and vital to your heart and life. 

This Valley is found in 1 Chronicles 27:28

This chapter is detailing King David’s kingdom in Zion and this verse tells us that in the Valley, (the Bible says “low plains” which is the same Hebrew word as “valley”) were planted sycamore trees and olive trees as well as a cellar for the olive oil.

David appointed a keeper over the trees, a man known as “Baal-hanan”, and over the oil cellar a man named “Joash”.

This is not just historic information and this is where Spiritual insight and understanding will transform this Valley into a realm which many people will be found in today in their lives. 

The Valley actually represents a place which a person’s life can be at. 

In the Bible, the “olive tree” represents the “Anointing of The Holy Spirit”, and “oil” represents “The Holy Spirit Himself ”. 

The “sycamore tree” speaks of a place of “intellectual curiosity”. 

You will read in Luke 19:1-6 the story of a man named Zacchaeus who was a wealthy tax collector in Jericho. On this particular day Jesus was passing through Jericho and there was a large crowd gathered around Him. Zacchaeus had an intellectual curiosity to see this man Jesus, but as he was a short man he could not get near so he climbed a sycamore tree which was there, to get a better view. When Jesus got to the tree He stopped, looked up, and told Zacchaeus to come down. Jesus then informed him that He was coming to his house. Jesus found Zacchaeus at his point of life!!

Zacchaeus received Jesus joyfully and in V9 Jesus declared that “Today, Salvation has come to this household”. Zacchaeus was a changed man once The Lord found him and he set about to restore to those who he had stolen from and to distribute his wealth. The key to Zacchaeus’s life was that “HE RECEIVED JESUS JOYFULLY”.

What does all this mean?

You may be at a place in your life where you have been looking on Jesus with intellectual or religious curiosity for some time. The Holy Spirit tells me that there are both unsaved people and religious people reading this who are at this point in their life. You have “climbed the sycamore tree” and have  been in it for some time. I want to tell you that you are fortunate and blessed, because Jesus has stopped at your tree!!!  As with Zacchaeus, He knows where you are. He calls you down from that place of  intellectual and religious curiosity because He Loves you and wants to come to your house with SALVATION!  The glorious thing is that He is not waiting for you to invite Him, He is asking you to let Him into your heart. WILL YOU ACCEPT HIM JOYFULLY TOO?

The Valley of your life, like David’s natural valley, has overseers. You see, the men that David appointed who I mentioned earlier, have Spiritual significance too. “Baal-hanan” in the Hebrew actually means “The LORD is GRACIOUS”, and “Joash” means  “The LORD SUPPORTS”. 

You see friend, The Lord has been Gracious to you, and right throughout your life He has been there unaware to you supporting you and looking after you. Yes you have made mistakes in your life and been through many trials sometimes to the point of giving up. You may have even questioned your survival. But Jesus has been there all the time supporting you and by His Grace He now gives you opportunity to ask Him into your heart. How wonderful and privileged to be sought out by Him. It’s like being “head-hunted” in the business world – you get a great feeling of self-worth. Well I want to tell you are valuable and that Jesus wants to change you into the person you were born to be, and that is a child of God. The only way to become that is to be BORN-AGAIN. This is a very simple thing to do. The Bible says that “If you will believe that Jesus Christ is The Son of Jehovah God, that He died on the cross for your sin, and that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved”. You will be reborn by the Power of The Holy Spirit and Jesus will actually come into your life as your Saviour and Lord. 

Will you come down from your sycamore tree? Will you abandon that intellectual curiosity about Him and act on your FAITH by asking Jesus to be your Saviour. You can do it right now. Talk to Him simply out of your heart. He will hear and by His Grace you will be Saved. 

What a glorious privilege. You will be Saved. He is standing at the door of your heart calling you. He has been supporting you and now wants to hear your cry to Him. He loves you. He cares for you.

The Holy Spirit is in your Valley waiting. The moment that you accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, the Holy Spirit will come into you and transform you from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. You will be Born-again in your spirit and as you begin your New Life He will guide you and lead you as you seek the Face of Jesus. 

It is not enough to be religious and attend religious meetings. Denominations, creeds, religious rituals, sacraments and man’s pronouncements over you will never save you. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ according to the Truth in the Bible which says that “YOU MUST BE BORN-AGAIN”. Sadly there are many people in religion that in fact have never been Born-again. Religious pride will be the enemy which will stop you from accepting this word. I urge you to humble yourself under the mighty Hand of God and He will lift you up. Take that step that you have never taken and ask Jesus Christ to be your personal Saviour. He will come into your heart and change you.

Once you make this step you become a member of a brand new family of Born-again Christians. Ask The Lord to lead you to a Bible-believing Christian church which believes and teaches the full Gospel. They will lead you into “believer’s water baptism”, and into the “baptism in The Holy Spirit”. Get yourself a Bible, and start reading it. Talk to The Lord as your best friend. 

Jesus is our Saviour, our Provider, our Healer, our Peace, our Strength, our Shepherd, our Righteousness, He’s always there. He knows us intimately. Put your trust in Him. Man may fail you but HE WILL NEVER FAIL YOU!!!!

This world, its humanism its systems, its rudiments will never give you joy, strength or peace. False religions will never save you. There is only one way to Jehovah God, and that is through His Son Jesus Christ. 

I feel an urgency about this message. As we look at the world today in the light of Bible prophecy we are at nearing the end of this current age and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ will come to earth. (You can read about this in other messages on this site).

Will you heed His call and accept Him into your life Now? You can do it right now at your desk. Just talk to Jesus as if He were in your room. Confess Him as your Saviour and ask Him into your life by Faith. He will hear and come into your life and you will know that “Today, Salvation has come to you”.

The Lord Bless you.