Friday 12 August 2016



Fallen man has never known LIFE.They experience existence. Life to the fallen human race is the continuing functioning of the body which becomes that which sustains their life. Their hope is in this body remaining free of fatal disease for as long as possible, in order that they can cram as much into the life in the space of time they have, between birth and death.

When a person is born-again they have an awareness of a new life, but it is something eternal seen beyond the grave. Death still dominates their thinking, although Jesus said that he came to give Life in abundance; His words have never been understood. He is the creator, giver, and sustainer of Life.

The secret of Adam’s life before he fell was the one-ness of his will with the will of the Lord. He ate of God’s Life, and that Life flowed through him, giving him perfection in every form. They had a unity and one-ness in spirit, mind and body. Adam was created in the likeness of God Himself. It was a Glory existence. There was no thought of self or rebellion although Adam had the right to choose, and so he lived in a glorious existence with a mind and soul which thought, reacted and behaved identically with the Lord. Wisdom was the essence of his Life. He was created with these attributes, and through him creation was sustained on the earth. With the mind of God flowing in him, Adam never felt anything but Glory, until he chose to exercise his own choice above the word of God to him. 

Until the fall, he had no knowledge of humanistic feelings such as nakedness, hurt, rejection, fear, loneliness, and his body had never suffered sickness, and death had not entered the human race. He experienced Life without death. It was the pure Life of God, as pure as the Living water which flows from the Throne of God. It was Life without end. It was Life not gained through resurrection. It was Life which would not even know destruction.

The new life, into which the Christian enters at Salvation, is not this life in outworking, but rather it is a living hope of New Eternal Life. Adam lost this in reality when He disobeyed the Word of God. The Glory Life was broken, and he entered the realm of humanism and as the father of every person born after him, passed this on to the human race. Death entered into the human race, not as a blessing from God but as a result of Adam’s rebellion.

The Tree of Life, from which Adam ate, was guarded so that Adam could not partake of it again in his now human state. It has been guarded until Jesus opened the way back by victory over satan and death. He bruised the serpent’s head wherein satan held dominance over death. The knowledge of death was imparted to man and has dominated the human race ever since. 
At His Resurrection, Jesus conquered death, and now holds the keys of death and hell. Death had no hold on Jesus because He broke the serpent’s head wherein he held creation captive.
Since Jesus resurrection, He has allowed two thousand years for people to receive his death as the penalty for sin, and accept Him as their Saviour. 

It has always been the intention for the Lord to open back the way into the Tree of Life, which is why He only set angels as guards at it. He could have sealed it off. The Sons of God are a company on this Earth now, whose hearts sought to eat again of this Tree which is actually Jesus Himself. 

The Sons of God will never experience physical death. It has been removed from their consciousness. The serpent’s head has no further hold over them. They are a new creation by the Lord, unto Himself. He has burnt the human nature with its death consciousness out of them. Again they have the mind, soul, heart, character and nature of the Lord, and share in his Glorious Life.   

They chose, yet they were chosen. They were set apart yet they set themselves apart. They will never die yet they have died. They are free yet they are bond slaves. They are rejected and even despised yet they accept it gladly. They accept all truth and never question it. They have hearts which are soft and easily hurt, yet they are as the Lion of Judah. They have weaknesses yet there is no sin.

The human mind has lost its life. 

The religious mind is weak and fearful and finds its strength in traditions and forms of worship. It condemns and judges against man made standards. It is conscious of good and evil, and reminds of sin as it feasts on things which touch the senses. It is afraid of death, but sees it as the hope of Glory.

Man measures life as the span between birth and death. Not so with Jesus and His Elect. They have no relativity to time. They have had the human life replaced by God’s Life in them.
They shall break the power of death over creation as satan is bound for the one thousand year Kingdom Day of Jesus on the earth. Glory shall radiate from them, and if anybody desires what they have, the Lord shall grant them the authority to impart it by a work of recreation by the Holy Ghost. World economies and impossibilities will be reversed by their word of Wisdom.
Their faces shall reflect the Glory of God, in the same way that Jesus face reflects the Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God. People shall wonder. It shall be that there will be a religious battle as the priests of “Moses Tabernacle” contend with them, but they have the power of Life and a New Day. Some of the religious priests will receive gladly, but others will die in their rejection.

Life not only sustains Life, but has the power to produce Life, as the Life giving seeds will be spread by the wind of God’s presence in His Elect, moving throughout the earth.