Thursday 11 August 2016



In a human sense we can find security in things, possessions, jobs, friends, and the religious certainly find it in their forms and traditions. It is a fact that you become secure in what becomes familiar to you, and these develop through life’s experiences and exposures. This is because we have the ability to make choices. You can choose to stay living in a particular house because it is familiar and therefore it can become a security. Along with the security comes the fear of losing it and of course the security actually turns to insecurity. 

The religious find their security in their denominational names, their organisation, their formal familiar meeting format, and protecting their identity, none of which has anything to do with relationship to Jesus Christ. You could get a bunch of unsaved people, give them the meeting format and material, and they could conduct a religious meeting. Think about it! 
The religious too are insecure so they want to hang on to their familiarities which convince them of their relationship with God. The spontaneity of listening to the Holy Ghost is all but gone, and is replaced with what is safe. I do not wish to offend gatherings of true believers who are not like this, but I am talking from observations in various meetings which I visit to observe what is happening. 

This is the very reason David established his Tabernacle in Zion, as the worn out Mosaic religious order tired the Lord. He birthed the liberty of praise unto the Lord from the heart with the New Song, and knew that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart. Without this you cannot sing the New Song. David did not study to learn this; it was in his heart which was after God’s own heart. 

People are afraid to change because of the fear of the unknown together with suspicion of the unfamiliar. 

All my Christian life, attending a denominational church, I was hungry for more. I knew that something was missing, Word which the preachers were ignorant of. I kept asking the Lord to show me what it was that I longed for. 
I was pastoring a small Pentecostal group in the early 80’s still pleading for the Lord to show me beyond this realm. On a certain day a man door-knocking in my area left a contact. Apparently he was also running meetings in the area, which I knew nothing about. I got straight in my car when I saw his card and went to his door. When he opened it, I asked him not to talk, except to instantly say what was in his heart. He replied “the Lord will lead you to Zion”. At that moment, I can best describe that a “light’ lit up in my whole being. The Lord said to me that this was the start of my search. From then the Lord took me and taught me, revealing the Light and Truth of Sonship to me. Yet I still hunger today. This new walk was accompanied with loss of all things which were security to me, as He took me to the Valley Of Bacca. But I had to be prepared to “WRITE OF MY LOSSES”.  I hadn’t asked for this, neither was it pleasant but it had to be for me to go on.

I was doing some part-time university lecturing in business management to support my ministry, and one of the topics I covered touched on this principal even in a business sense, that in examining the viability of a long term project at a point of time, you have to write off the losses incurred to that point of time, as they are irrelevant in decision making as to the future of the project. This is how the Lord thinks about His Sons. 

You will find throughout the Bible that the great people that the Lord used firstly had to be stripped of their false securities and be exposed to where the Lord Himself became their only security. Look at Abraham. He was taken to Haran by his father Terah along with Sarai his wife and his brothers and their families.     
Now the Lord had chosen to birth a new order through Abraham, and look what his first requirements were in Genesis12:1 – he had to:
1. get out of his country with its security and tie to natural earthly things
2. leave his kindred with its tie to human relationships
3. leave his father’s house with its tie to family authorities
You see the Lord firstly had to take Abraham’s securities out from under him in order that Jehovah could become his only security for what lay ahead. We know the later circumstances that Abraham was put through, in which he could only rely on his security with the Lord. Abraham had to write off his losses to go on.

I write this message to encourage the Sons of God, as this same principal will be applying in our lives. We have suffered the loss of many securities, but rejoice, for this is the Lord’s doing. 

To those reading this who are locked in religious Babylon, if you feel the truth of this message and the Holy Spirit speaks to you, a Light will fill you as you realise that you can be free. But you too will have to write off your losses to go on.

Now, I want to take you in the Bible to 2 Chronicles 25, to a king of Judah named Amaziah (whose named means lit. “Jehovah has strength”). This king’s character was built on his knowledge of God’s strength and in V2; “he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart”. Isn’t it interesting that you can be doing all the right things visibly but the heart is not right. The Lord is more interested in your heart than what you can do or give. This is because the sacrifices with which He is well pleased are a broken spirit and a contrite heart, which David found and built Zion on.

Amaziah established an army from Judah and Benjamin of 300,000 men to battle the Edomites. They were choice men that could handle spear and shield. But that was not enough. Although he knew that the Lord was strength, his heart could not trust in that, so he goes and hires for the cost of 100 talents of silver, 100,000 men from the other tribes of Israel. In V7,8 – a prophet comes to Amaziah and warns him that he is not to use the other men from Israel, for the Lord is not with them. He warned him that if he did, God would make them fall before the enemy, “for God has the power to help and to cast down”. This is a good lesson for some who think that everything bad is from the devil.

In V9, we get the amazing reply from Amaziah, “but what about the 100 talents of silver which I have given the other army?” . Where is this man’s heart? His security was in men, not his trust in the Strength of the Lord.

I love the reply of the prophet: “THE LORD IS ABLE TO GIVE YOU MUCH MORE THAN THIS”. 

In other words, “WRITE OFF YOR LOSSES”, for they have no part in what the Lord is doing with you. You may see the whole point here, that to Amaziah, what he stood to lose was a major issue because his heart was not perfect. The redeeming feature about him at this point was that he accepted the word of the prophet. He sent the hired army back and won the battle with his choice men as the Lord gave him victory.

To the Sons of God, the Lord would say to you that He knows the costs that you have paid in your life. There are those that right now are in the fire of the burning of perfection, and you are feeling the cost of this calling into His Perfection. The Lord says to you to “WRITE OF YOUR LOSSES”, and do not consider them for they have no part of His future dealing with you. He is able to give you much more than you have lost, in fact you are going to receive the double portion blessing of Job. He will restore to you, He will create for you, and He will take from the world and give to you. 

I would encourage you as one in the fire, that you let your heart give you peace and strength out of Zion and accept with joy this Word of the Lord. You are not alone, and the costs amount to nothing compared to the Glory of The Lord which is arising in you. So receive this Word, look up and seek His Kingdom for it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

Now, back in V10, Amaziah sent back the hired army, strengthened himself and led his people to victory in battle. In V14 comes the amazing thing about this man. He took the gods of the Edomites back from the battle and worshipped them. You see, the victory belonged to the Lord, and Amaziah should have worshipped Him, but the pride of his heart caused him to claim the victory and led him to idolatry. Understand this. The Lord was angry with him and sent the prophet to ask of him why he did this. His response was to challenge the prophet, who then passed sentence of destruction on this man for both his idolatry and rejecting the prophet of God.  He was then confronted by Joash the king of Israel who challenged him but he rejected him with his stubbornness and pride. There followed a battle between them and Joash took possessions and hostages.

Now in V27, after Amaziah turned away from the Lord they conspired against him in Jerusalem, and he FLED TO LACHISH. Lachish was a city of the Amorites who are a type of the world. Amaziah thought that he could hide from the Lord in the world. MANY FLEE TO LACHISH. But they sent to Lachish after him and slew him there. 

To any reading this and you are hiding in the world from the will of God for your life, He will find you. The road to Lachish seems easier than obedience, but the Lord will find you. I urge you to return and repent of pride and stubbornness and flee the world or you will die there.

The thing about this man was that he did the things which looked right but his heart was not perfect. He listened to the prophet on two occasions, but chose what to hear depending on what he wanted.

There are two messages here, and by now you will have heard them. It is up to us how we respond to the Lord. 

Some are worrying and are concerned about money and possessions lost in your perfecting. This also extends to losses from mistakes outside the purposes of God. Hear the Word of the Lord, that He is Able To Give You Much More Than You Have Lost. I could go on and confirm this in the Bible, but just receive this simple Word from the Lord. WRITE OF YOUR LOSSES out of your mind. Bury them in the Blood of Jesus shed for your total restoration. This will mean standing in Trust and rejecting the lies of the enemy. Jesus is Able! He has the Ability to do All Things! Trust Him. Sons of God, let the purifying fire take care of past mistakes and losses. Write them off and Trust Him for He shall surely bring it to pass.

To those “Fleeing to Lachish”, I urge you to turn back. You can’t hide there for surely the Lord will find you. He loves you and wants your obedience. He wants to speak to you, He wants to use you. Surrender your pride and stubbornness and cry out to Him right now as you read this. I sense from the Holy Spirit that He is convicting many as they read this. You know it. You feel his conviction in your heart. Come back – Lachish won’t hide you. Jesus Loves you. God Bless you and I call His Mercy over you as you repent and turn off that road.