Friday 12 August 2016



In all of my teaching articles you will find continual reference to Zion and David. This is because the Bible reveals that God found David, “a man after His own Heart”, so in the heart of David I find the heart that pleases God. This is how I wanted to be. When I saw that David had a heart after God, I wanted the Lord to say it of me too!.  I made a covenant with Jesus that I would believe every Truth that He revealed to me, even if nobody else on the planet believed it. Well He has honored the covenant as I do, and in all of the Lord’s teaching to me since 1979, He has always led me to the Light in the heart of David revealed in the books of Samuel, Chronicles, and the Psalms. 

I say to people that I am a “Zion Man”. This brings many reactions, not many of which are positive, but I rejoice to dwell in Zion and to have walked the steps to Solomon’s Temple which is an even Higher realm. Of Spiritual Zion, the Lord loves its gates more than all the dwellings of Jacob, and it is His habitation. All His fountains are there, and this is where you find the Secret Place of God. It was from the heart of David and Zion that his son Solomon birthed the "third realm" of the Temple of Glory and Rest for the Lord, the type of His Kingdom Day. Both the apostle Paul and Jesus Himself made many references to David and stood on the foundations which he laid, as did the prophets after David’s death. David’s tribe, Judah (meaning “praise”), produced the Kings and later the Priesthood of Melchizedek born after a new order, not of man but of the Spirit, with an endless life. When the Lord bought me to Zion, my hunger never waned and He unfolded to me the Glorious Truths of Solomon’s Temple and Sonship.

So I thank the Lord and honor Him. I humbly share from my heart the things which God has given me. A lot of these are prophetic teachings regarding the Sons of God and the unfolding of His purposes. They may be new to you and you may have a different understanding, but allow the Holy Spirit to open your heart as I did, and He will cause you to hear and see. You know if you are hungry and this is food for you.

The “House of David” is such a large subject, and I share here just some aspects of it. 

David was chosen and anointed of the Lord to be King of Judah and ultimately King of Israel. God looked for “a man after His own heart” and He found David. David came from the tribe of Judah who were the people of praise. Judah literally means “praise”. David was a praise man. His life was built around praises unto the Lord which you see throughout the Psalms. 

Psalm 89:20 says that The Lord Found David. Those whom The Lord chooses, HE WILL FIND. I know in my heart that in regard to the Sons of God, THE LORD HAS FOUND THEM ALL. In difficult circumstances, buried in religion, maybe lost, searching and hungry for The Lord. Maybe like myself, for many years believing for higher places in The Lord but not knowing what they were until He found me. THE LORD FOUND HIS SONS!! At the right time, and in a Glory move of the Holy Ghost, the searching eyes of the Holy Ghost found His Faithful Ones, and drew us to Himself in mercy and splendor to conform us to His image. Praise His Wonderful Name!

I feel the Holy Spirit instructing me right now that there are some reading this who have been running from Jesus Christ, even avoiding the knowledge in your heart that you need Him but you have tried to hide in other places. The Lord will find you. He Loves you and cares for you. Maybe reading this right now He has found you, because you know He is speaking to you. Surrender to Him right now. Acknowledge your need of Him and ask Him into your heart as your Saviour. He died on the cross for you and calls you now. Simply pray right now, “Jesus, I acknowledge you as the Son of God, that you died on the cross for my sin and rose from the dead for my justification. I ask you to come into me that I might be born again by The Holy Spirit”. If this is you, and you have responded to Him, I bless you in Jesus Name. Get a Bible and start reading the Psalms.

There are others too. You love The Lord, accepted Him into your life at some point, but you have wandered away. The Holy Ghost is stirring your heart right now. You are tired of wandering. Jesus has found you too. He led you to this message and He calls you. Its that same voice you heard when He first called you, and you know it. Repent of your wandering and come back to Him. He loves you and will embrace you as a Father. As you humble yourself he will put your life back together. You have lost your peace, but He will restore it as you Trust Him. Bless you. 

The Ark of the Covenant was always present in the Tabernacle in the Holy of Holies under the law given unto Moses. At the time of David, Moses Tabernacle with the Ark in it was standing on the Mountain of Gilgal like a worn out old religious system.

David built the “City of David” on the Mountain of Zion (literally “fortress”), and amid some difficulties and lessons from the Lord, he brought the Ark from Gilgal to be placed in the Tabernacle which he had constructed in Zion. He established a whole new system of praise and worship built on his heart before The Lord. He found the truth that “the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart”, and it was with this Heart that the inhabitants of Zion worshipped The Lord. David birthed the “New Song” which is what the Psalms are. The Psalms are not poetic literary works as most think, they are recordings of the “Song of The Lord” sung in David’s Tabernacle. What a Glorious realm he birthed, and there is nothing so Glorious as being in the realm of Zion praise and worship. The sad thing is that the church is supposed to be the rebuilt Tabernacle of David, but you see nothing of David’s worship in their church meetings. It has been replaced again with the legalism and traditions of Moses tabernacle which David did away with. Jesus birthed His own church on the principle that His followers would worship in Spirit and in Truth.    

David was the leader of a New Order in boldness and joy. He found the Mercy of God. He found forgiveness. He found cleansing. In Psalm 89 we have the Davidic Covenant which God made with Him, and in V 36, “His seed will endure forever and His throne as the sun before Me”. David’s seed are on the earth now as the Elect of Jesus. THE HOUSE OF DAVID IS HIS SEED ON THE EARTH NOW. Not the natural Jews, but the inhabitants of Spiritual Zion in whose hearts were found the highways to Zion. Those like David who have the Heart after God. Those whose sacrifices are a broken spirit and a contrite heart. My good brother Jack Hodgdon in Oregon USA, said to me that when you speak of Zion to people they think you are “whacko”. How true, but its only because they don’t have the heart to understand. David found out two heart wrenching facts:

1. that his enemies were within his own household
2. it was his friend, his confidant who went into the tabernacle with him that deceived him

These lessons hurt David, for he trusted and had a breakable heart as do the Elect of God. David says much about his enemies in the Psalms, but also says that they did not triumph over him and that the Lord was his “Strong Tower from the enemy”. David found his protection and victory in the Lord. In the covenant Psalm 89:22, The Lord promised “that the enemy would not exact upon him, nor the son of wickedness afflict him”. This promise extends to the seed of David. The Sons of God have David’s trials, afflictions and enemies, but they will not have victory over us. The Lord is our Strong Tower and we can run into Him. In Isaiah 48:10, where the prophet is speaking of the Lords dealing with His people, the Lord says “I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. This is how The Lord refines and perfects those whom He chooses. Look at David’s testimony in Psalm 34:
V 17 – The Righteous cry and The Lord Hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles
V 18 – The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart: and saveth such as be of a                          contrite spirit
V 19 – Many are the afflictions of the Righteous: but The Lord delivers them out of them                        all
V 22 – The Lord redeems the soul of His servants: and none of them that trust in Him shall                     be desolate (guilty or faulty)

This foundation that David found, he laid for us! Take it, claim it and live in it no matter what! This is my personal strength, that as the Seed of David, the promise extends to me! Sons of God, if you need encouragement lay hold of this in Trust and you will get peace and victory. Whatever your circumstance, remember V17!

Now, JUDAH is David’s Tribe, but unfortunately there were those in Israel that wanted no part in David. After his son Absolom’s death following his attempted overthrow of David, David returns to Jerusalem. In 2 Samuel 19:41 there was controversy between Israel and Judah over the House of David. Judah claimed kinship, whilst Israel claimed strength of numbers. V43, the words of Judah were stronger than Israel’s. The quality of birthright and calling will always prevail over strength of numbers. Our Sonship calling in Jesus will prevail over the religious numbers and success claims. 

In 2 Samuel 20:1 we find a man Sheba, from the tribe of Benjamin who was of the former king Saul’s tribe, and Sheba thought he had succession rights from Saul’s reign. He probably carried a hatred of David from Saul’s death thirty years ago. Look at his declaration: “we have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in him”.  Follow the chapter through, and you will see the outcome for Sheba where he was beheaded. 
Those that come against The House of David and his seed, will be cut off Spiritually. There was a well respected Pentecostal evangelist in Australia during the 80’s who I respected as a good brother. The Lord blessed his outreach across the country. Speaking with him one day about my passion of Zion and David’s throne and all that it meant prophetically, he replied, “oh, good old David”, as if to say, “so what?” Shortly after that his ministry died and he disappeared. I wondered at this and learnt that his rejection of what the Lord was showing him led to his demise. The words of Judah were stronger than his success. I felt such sadness for him as I hold much respect for his former ministry and heart for The Lord.

Some fifty years after Solomon’s death, Israel again revolted from Judah. 2 Chronicles 10:16. The king, Rehoboam had a hardened heart and his words were: “what part do we have in David, and we have no inheritance in him”. V 19 says that “since then, Israel has rebelled against the House of David unto this day”. I want to tell you that it has continued until now. In 1 Kings 12:20 “…there was none that followed the House of David, BUT THE TRIBE OF JUDAH”. 

The Tribe of Judah (meaning “Praise”) was David’s tribe. In Matthew1, the genealogy of Jesus comes through the Tribe of Judah. Hebrews7:14 says that our Lord arose out of Judah. Hebrews7:13, says that another tribe, Judah produces a New Priesthood born after the order of Melchisedec. ONLY THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, THE PEOPLE with a New Song in their heart unto The Lord who have found the acceptable sacrifice unto Jesus, are in the House of David and ascend to His Throne. 

IN 1 Kings 11:36 The Lord promised that He would always have a Light in Jerusalem FOR DAVID’S SAKE. JUDAH IS THAT LIGHT. The Sons of God today have come out of Judah as the KING/PRIESTS and stand in the HOUSE OF DAVID. They preserve for The Lord The LIGHT on David’s Throne. The Christian religious denominations which have no part or inheritance in David are Spiritually dead. Yes, they may be evangelistic, and I praise God for that, but they have no guiding prophets as they come from Judah. 

I know that I am a marked man among some churches for my teachings and prophecies, but it concerns me not. I have sat and listened to some preachers speak of love, and watched their deeds preach the opposite. 

Compare the proclaimed strength of numbers by religion to the calling of Judah. I declare this word that those who come against the House of David will die Spiritually, if not already dead. Yes they may have great numbers but they will be dead. You have probably seen them as I have. I occasionally visit various churches to observe. I visited two major Pentecostal churches in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne each of which I had previously visited in the early 90’s. Buildings built to accommodate hundreds were down to thirty or forty people. Only the other day I had a person tell me that their church will be closed by Christmas. Why is this? The answer is simple; “They have no part or inheritance in David”. Yes they will state all sorts of excuses of demographics and other reasons but you cannot escape the Truth. Will they seek for prophets? I think not. If you are the leader of a dying religious organisation, ask the Lord to lead you to an end-time prophet. This will take a humble heart but He will honour that and lift you up. If you are sitting in a dying religious organisation and tired of the empty words of man, you can sit and hope, and pray all you like, but they are estranged from the House of David. I encourage you to seek the Face of Jesus who will lead you to the Living Bread and the Water of Life. You ask, “how and where?” Leave it to Him. The Lord has his prophets and he will lead you to them.

In the mid 80,s I was introduced to an Aboriginal brother, Gordon Negas at a conference I attended. He lived in the northern rivers area of New South Wales, in an outback area in the humblest of circumstances. In my Spirit I sensed that he was a Son of God and I invited him to come and speak at my next Sunday meetings. I was running a prophetic teaching ministry in a hired local hall in Templestowe, Melbourne, with a gathering of about 40 people. The meetings were based around David’s Tabernacle worship with prophetic teaching. Gordon came and reduced me to tears in my eyes as he too spoke of the Sons of God, The Kingdom Day of Jesus, and His soon appearing in His Elect. My heart was so Blessed as it gets a bit lonely in this realm. This man did not learn this. He had the heart of God. He had heard the trumpet call and he is typical of the Elect seed hidden in the lowly places.

On another occasion, in the same hall, the Lord had instructed  me to preach on this particular morning on the Immortality of the Elect, the Manchild and other associated Truths. I saw a man enter the meeting whom I had never seen before and sat up the back corner, and in a small meeting a stranger is very prominent. As he was leaving at the end, he asked my address and when I arrived home there was a package on my doorstep. It was two cassette tapes and I knew that he had left them there. Well, I was not a “tape person’”, and I had left them in my car. About two weeks later, my curiosity (or the Holy Ghost) got to me and I listened to them whilst as I was driving. They were tapes of a message by a teacher Peter Demitrius in Washington and his message was almost word for word to my preaching on that day. I was so overwhelmed that I cannot put it into words. It was like The Lord was saying, “its OK Larry, preach what I give you for you are not alone. I don’t know who that man was, and I believe to this day that he was an angel of the Lord. 

Bless the Wonderful Name of Jesus.  

Isaiah 65:9 – “I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, AND OUT OF JUDAH an inheritor of My mountains: and My ELECT shall inherit it, and My servants shall dwell there”.

“The Lord has scattered the Seeds of Election across the world and as it were these seeds took root in the hearts of those who would hear. In whose hearts was a burning for His presence and His Glory and these did He gather and bring as one into His secret place where they will stay until formed into His perfect Image. They shall come forth from the womb of His church the womb of Jacob and they shall inherit not as from the death of a testator but from the very Immortal Life of the Great I Am who speaks to you now. This many membered company of seeds will come forth as one body of the Elect of The Lord and appear in an awesome display of the Hand of the Lord who is forming them at the seat of His Mercy and Glory and many shall fear as they see the Voice of the Lord. This seed will be the ensign of the Lion of Judah and shall be planted on His High Mountain to signify that this is the Day of The Lord and His will shall be done on this earth as it is in the Heavenly realms. This time He shall again appear in a people and as one reads the will of a testator so shall the Lord declare from His Heavens, “These are My Sons prepared for the Restoration of all Things Unto Me, hear them”. Mention of them is hidden throughout the Bible but they have not been seen. Israel of old and the church today have looked for the satisfaction of temporal and personal needs and building the temples of Nimrod and in so doing have missed the bigger purposes of God. The terrors that plague the earth today from the hearts of evil men and satanically controlled false religions will not be defeated in the church day. The earth travails waiting the revealing of the Sons of God and they shall come forth from the womb of the dawning of the morning of the day of Jesus exaltation. The Rider of the White Horse shall lead His army as they disperse into the earth with authority and Word which shall bring the healing of the nations. The scourge of the hatred of evil religions will be cleansed heralding the Salvation of the Lord as their false gods are exposed and their weapons will be turned into plough shears. The Lord would say to His church which is labouring with words and exhortations of good intention that these evils will only cease when satan himself is bound and this is laid down for the Kingdom Day of Jesus when the followers of the Rider of the White Horse shall condemn him to the chains of darkness for one thousand years. Many in the church are following world events and searching for reasons and solutions as their hearts fear for their lives. The Lord says to you to rather see that you are pregnant with His seed. Pray for the birth of His Elect. You have not known that you are with seed, and as when a mother discovers this and turns her attention to the coming birth so do the same. Turn your prayers to His Appearing and the birth of His Elect for surely it shall come. You can embrace this exhortation or receive it in Truth”.

The House of David has always had a Light preserved. The Lamp of God has never gone out. In this generation we are seeing the inhabitants of David’s House  as the Lights are turning from a faint glow to the burning of the noon day sun. The House of David stands today, not as the natural Jewish people but as the Household of the Sons of God born in Spiritual Zion. 

Psalm 87:
His Foundation is in the Holy Mountain. The Lord loves the Gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of thee, o City Of God. And of Zion it shall be said: this and that man was born in her, and the Highest Himself shall establish her. The Lord shall count when He writes up the people that this man was born there. As well, the singers as the players of instruments shall be there: all My Springs are in thee.

The Elect of God have their inheritance and portion in David, now through Jesus Christ. Acts13:22 declares that David fulfilled all God’s will. Those of his seed and his House will do the same. God keeps Covenant with those with whom He makes it. He will keep His Covenant with David and David’s seed on the earth now, The Sons Of God, who too will fulfil all God’s will.

When we take our inheritance in David, we enter into the fullness of Jesus, because Jesus inherited the Throne of David and as we do, His Kingdom will endure on earth. His Elect will again sit on David’s throne sharing it with Jesus throughout His Kingdom Day on the earth. Luke 1:32 – “The Lord shall give unto Jesus, the throne of his father David”.  Jesus Christ, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, shines on David’s Throne!

In Proverbs 3 & 4, Solomon says that the wise will inherit Glory and Wisdom will deliver a Crown of Glory to them. The walk of these ones will be as a shining Light, MORE AND MORE UNTO THE PERFECT DAY. These words are Life to those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

It is almost impossible to end this message, but I want to encourage The Sons of God. Our Glory Light of David’s Throne has begun to shine and it will get stronger and stronger unto the fullness of the noon-day sun. You may think that you are obscure, but people notice us. They see we are different. Yes they mostly avoid us because our words carry Life, and they choose no part in David. Be patient for this will gradually change as the smell of death permeates their religious citadels and they begin to cry out to The Lord. Suddenly they will see a Light “shining in the east” and it will draw them to the Tribe of Judah whose camp faces the east of His arising in Zion where their eyes will be washed with the eyesalve of joy as they hear the Worship from The House of David and behold the Kings and Priests upon his Throne. 

I do not worship David, but Jesus Christ the Creator and Saviour of the world, who has declared Himself as “the Root and Offspring of David, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and the one who holds the Key of David”. 

I honour Him and thank His Holy Spirit for understanding. May you find His presence as you humble your heart and He will lift you up.

If this word has challenged you, He is drawing you -  run after Him. He is drawing you to His presence. You will never thirst again.