May The Lord Bless and encourage all who read this Word, particularly those who have been in difficult circumstances in life. As the Bible says, this has not been some terrible thing happening to us, but The Lord has been perfecting us into His own Glorious image. May I encourage you as you wait for the Glorious Day of The Lord. Do not grow weary or faint, but stand in the calling by which you were named and in all things TRUST Him no matter what. You are not alone. There are others on the earth who stand with you, and who have experienced the same as you have. I am reminded of what David said: “O, magnify The Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together, I sought The Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all of my fears”. Be encouraged and Blessed as we keep The Lord always before our face. There is no greater honor than this calling into His Elect. The issues of life are temporal and will go as Jesus reveals His Sons.
I want to share the heart of our father David, who experienced similar circumstances in his life. You read much of them throughout the Psalms which are actually record of The Song of The Lord as he sang before the ark, the presence of The Lord.
In 2 Samuel 15 we read the account of Absalom, David’s own son leading a revolt to take the kingdom from his father, and David hearing in v 13, that the Hearts of the men of Israel went with Absalom. What a heartbreak to David who had loved and blessed these people, yet even his own household was his enemy. He actually said later that “your enemies are within your own household”.
I suppose many of us have had similar hurts from friends and family, and these cut deep into the soul. They did with David too, but I want to take us to Psalm 3, which is where David brought this incident before The Lord. Listen to his heart and cry to The Lord.
Psalm 3.
David says that those who distress and trouble him were multiplied in number. Many people rose up against him and troubled his soul. David is typical of all his seed that have his heart, born in Zion of the tribe of Judah, THE SONS OF GOD. They have soft, hurtable, breakable hearts. That is why the Sons of God are chosen like their father David, because they found that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and contrite heart. Distress troubled David because it went against his soul. I would be correct in saying that the testimony of the Sons of God would be the same as David. Because of soft and loving souls, we are easily troubled and distressed and like David, this can affect the body, as well as the soul.
We see in 2 Samuel 15:30 that at the time of his son Absalom’s conspiracy, David went up to the Mt of Olives weeping with his head covered and barefoot. The man was broken. His soul was crushed. Some of his people went with him also crushed and weeping. Interesting that many years later a troubled Jesus went to the same mountain with His disciples.
Psalm 3 tells us that many people seeing David in this situation concluded that “there is no help for him in God”. David experienced the two-fold attack on him in the areas of:
1. his life circumstances
2. his Spiritual standing with God
Amazing isn’t it, how people turn on a good heart. Like predators. If you have experienced this in your life you will know the feeling. You are not alone. People don’t like a good heart generally. If you believe into the Glorious Word of Sonship and perfection you will be attacked just like David. Look what they did to David. Look what they did to Jesus. It has happened to me, and my beloved brothers and sisters among the Elect, it has happened to you at some time too. These predators attack your soul and your walk with The Lord. The accusation came against David that The Lord had rejected him, that there was no help for him. They said it of his “soul” – ie. his life, his feelings, his sensitivity, and all that made up this beautiful Godly heart was attacked. V 2 says “Selah”, which means, “pause and think on that”. Think about it. This anointed beautiful Godly man, the King of Israel, chosen because he had a heart after God, having his soul ripped out of him by these heartless predators. Let me tell you, they were still around in Jesus day and they are still around today. They are in family, friends, and among the religious. The outside world doesn’t care. Who betrayed David? - his own son. Who betrayed Jesus? – one of His disciples. Who killed Him? – the religious.
Look at David’s own testimony in Psalm 55:12-14. “for it is not an enemy who reproaches me and taunts me – then I might bear it: nor is it one who has hated me who insolently vaunts himself against me – then I might have hidden from him. BUT IT WAS YOU A MAN MY EQUAL, MY COMPANION AND MY FAMILIAR FRIEND. WE HAD SWEET FELLOWSHIP TOGETHER AND USED TO WALK TO THE HOUSE OF GOD IN COMPANY”.
Beloved Sons of God, your enemies lurk among your inner network waiting to devour your soul. If you have experienced this, let me comfort you. You are in good company. Do not fear the predators but maintain your Godly self-esteem and honor, for truly you are chosen of The Lord. In fact we should expect these things. I, like many others of our company, could write pages about liars, deceivers and the falsehood of the religious, and the pretenders in Zion.
Look what David said in Psalm 3:3:
You see beloved, there may be your enemies, BUT THERE IS THE LORD.
There will always be the predators, the false and the accusers. There will be life circumstances that will rip your soul just because we have a calling as The Elect of God. But above them all, is our precious, victorious and all-conquering King, The Lord Jesus Christ, and David knew Him.
The Lord has a three-fold covering for us:
1. THE LORD MY SHIELD (DEFENCE) The Lord is the defender of our souls, our emotions and our self-esteem. He protects us from the tongues and plots of man. Nothing can touch us to bring us to death; not man, sickness, calamity or any other thing can get past our defender. Whilst we are being changed from human to His Divine image, He is our shield. He is our Secret Place and He hides us under the shadow of His wings.
“Fear nothing, says The Lord for I am with you and will defend you from every assault against you. Those that take counsel against you will not prevail, for I have you in a place where nothing can harm you. Yes, they will say things to you, and about you, as they did with me, and you will be mocked. But I have placed My soul within you and you will not feel the pains as you did in your old Adamic nature. Some of you have gone through emotional warfare and wondered how you have survived, but I have been watching you for all of your life, and My protective hand has held you. Yes I allowed things to happen because I am your Loving Father, But I tell you that you hear only My voice now. The words of jealous and angry people will be as another language to you, and will have no effect on you. Some of you have wrongly thought that because of your calling you have had to accept the attacks against your soul with love and understanding. I laugh at them and so should you. They are My problem not yours. Begin to walk higher in the calling that I have bestowed upon you and ignore them”.
2. THE LORD MY GLORY He is all Glory and as He is, so shall His Sons be. Rest in the sure knowledge that our souls are being made in His Glorious image.
“As you have seen My Nature and Soul says The Lord, so shall you be. See My fullness in your lives and drink of all that I give you. As I was victorious and conquered death, receiving the Glory from The Father, so I am your deliverance from all the natural, humanistic problems and trials and the inherited death of Adam. I know that you have trials, burdens, hurts, rejection and isolation. You weep tears through soft and gentle souls. This is why you will serve Me, for I found your hearts like David’s. Let your hearts relate only to Me and one another. You will be My beloved Sons when I birth My Kingdom on the earth. You are being transformed into My Glorious Divine Nature, and the day is coming where men shall see this in your faces as you reflect Me. Let your sure knowledge of this give you joy and strength for in this is My Help. Live in this every moment and you will not even hear the words of those who would seek to destroy you. My Glory shall go with you until you appear bearing it in all My risen immortal power and victory which is yours My Sons”.
3. THE LIFTER OF MY HEAD This is the work of The Holy Spirit where He causes us to lift up our eyes from beholding earthly circumstances, to behold the higher realm of His presence. More exactly, if we look up we will see His Face, His actual presence where His Glory is. When we lift our eyes from the lower natural circumstances, we see the reality of our inheritance in Him. If like David we allow Him to lift our heads, the earthly cares will have no effect, because He transcends us into His presence. In Genesis 13:14, The Lord told Abram to “lift up is eyes”, and when he did he saw the inheritance promised by God. V 17, God told him to Arise, and walk through it. Beloved, if our eyes are bowed down in beholding the earthly circumstances, we will lose sight of our inheritance. Ask Jesus to Lift Up Your Head and behold the Glorious inheritance laid up for His Elect, And then WALK IN IT! Again in Genesis 22:4, Abraham lifted up his eyes on the third day, and saw afar off the mountain of Moriah where he was to see the Mighty Hand of God move for him in Zion. We are in the early hours of the Third Day of Jesus, His Kingdom Day. Lift up your eyes and behold this, for this is His Spiritual Zion from whence the Saviours of His Kingdom day will arise. It is a Spiritual mountain, and again the Mighty Hand of God will move in such a powerful way that a new dispensation will begin on this earth.
“I am the Lifter Of Your Heads My Sons. Your eyes will behold My Face and the things of earth will no longer be in your vision. I call you to LOOK UP, and as you do I will carry you away to where I am, and your soul will be protected. A realm where all you hear is Truth, Goodness, Encouragement and Love. The praises will proceed forth from you and your soul will be strengthened in the Song of Zion. Some of you keep your heads bowed down in the circumstances of life. This is stopping your peace and joy and praise. The circumstances may not change, but you can. But you must allow Me to lift your head to where your eyes behold Me for I am your Deliverer and Defender and your place of rest. As I had a scapegoat for Abraham when he lifted his eyes, so I have for you. There is a way of escape for you from those things that weigh you down, but you must fix your eyes on me. Allow Me to Lift up Your Head and you will be free”.
Beloved, we are in a critical hour on this earth. I believe that we are in the early hours of the morning of the Kingdom Day of Jesus Christ on this earth. The world as it is cannot go on under the dominion of darkness. All over this world the evil of man is abounding more and more. The days of Sodom couldn’t have been worse than this evil we see on the earth today. The days of satanic rule in the hearts of people on this earth are coming to an end.
The Army of God is about to be revealed as His Elect take charge of the world under the Mighty Hand of Jesus, the rightful King and Lord of all things. I know that we have been in difficult circumstances, but this has been the Hand of God forming his Elect. The time has come for us to take our Help In The Lord and break the shackles of the things and people that hold us down and at times seem to defeat us.
He is our Defender, our Glory and The lifter of our Heads. He has the answers and solutions to those problems for which we may not see a way out. He calls us to Trust Him. There is an answer. There is a scapegoat. Jesus has given us True Life where the fetters of death have been broken from us. What a Glory! What an awesome realm into which we have been born. What a Glorious calling to be like Jesus. Let us Stand up together my brothers and sisters of His Elect and call down His Kingdom on this earth.
I cover us all by the Name and the Blood of Jesus. Nothing can or will harm us. We are a New Creation. Stand and behold the Day of The Lord, and see all that we have believed for, come to pass.