It is with great joy that I share with you a deeper insight into a parable which Jesus told. I was out my daily walk, and quite often it is at this time that I have deep fellowship with The Lord. On this particular day I was meditating on the Father and His Sons, and immediately I began thinking about the parable recorded in Luke 15, generally referred to as “The Prodigal Son”.
Particular scripture can have multiple purposes as the Holy Spirit quickens it for diverse purposes, and I share with you what He revealed to me, and it will not return to Him void of what he sends it forth to accomplish.
May the hearts of The Sons rejoice as our Father desires to encourage and strengthen us. There is no doubt in my mind that we are all at a similar point in our forming. I believe that we are as I write, in a deep separation from all things. These are both natural things and relationships. We have entered a “Gethsemane” stage in our lives, and will be feeling the agony which Jesus felt in His Gethsemane. Gethsemane represents the “death” of the human soul. Jesus then went to the cross for the salvation of the world where He underwent death for us.
With the Sons, we are going through a conscious death of the Adamic soul but will not experience that physical death, but rather we will enter into His Glorious resurrected Life in the image of His Divine Nature…..what a Glorious truth and privilege to be called and chosen.
I have no doubt that each person in the Manchild Company is experiencing this same dealing right now, so I am able to encourage you.
Jesus established the dynamics for those in His earthly ministry who wanted to follow Him. You will recall what He said in Luke 9:57 – One man wanted to follow Jesus wherever He went and Jesus made him aware that unlike even the animals, He had nowhere to lay His head, so that is what would be required of His followers. Two others were willing to follow but had to take care of some social and family responsibilities which Jesus quickly subordinated to Kingdom calling. There was nothing inherently wrong with what they needed to do, but beloved nothing of this world or life can have any place or priority above the Kingdom Day call. This is why we have to be willing to forsake all things and people for His sake. It is not easy, and it hurts, but He must bring us to a place where He is our sole focus and purpose for living. I am experiencing these things personally and I know the cost of this calling, but I also know that it is nothing compared to the privilege of ruling and reigning in the Kingdom Feast on this earth.
A dear sister in the womb, Diana Summers in Oregon USA, reminded me regularly of the necessity of this separation. I am so grateful for others in this walk as it gives support with much patience and love.
Put yourself in our Father’s place. If you were to choose a company of people to birth the Melchisedeck priesthood on this earth to minister as Kingdom priests in the Day of Glory for Jesus, what would you require of this priesthood? …. Selah
Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, you are not alone. No strange thing is happening to you. We are in the womb being transfigured into a new creation to emerge in the image of Jesus. I extend my support, help and love. Feel free to email me at
The Holy Spirit spoke with me about these
The essence of this story is played out between a Father and two sons. The elder son is quite settled in his ways in life and does the same things day by day. The boredom and status quo does not satisfy the younger son so he asks his father for inheritance money and leaves his known life in search of the answer to his unrest. After riotous living surrounded by pseudo friends he runs out of money, and the lifestyle with its friends is no more. He ends up eating what the pigs left over. Jesus tells us that at this point of his life he was dead. Well we know that he hadn’t died a physical death, but rather it was his natural life with its style which was dead, leaving the young man lost. What he thought would satisfy was not life at all and this sent him back to his father. This must have taken humility which is borne out in his statement to his father that he was not worthy to be called a son.
I started to see here a likeness to Jehovah God and His sons.
As I have said, different truths can be gleaned from the parables, and I share what I saw on my walk.
I see the elder son as a type of the first and second realm born-again Christian, who are loyal and faithful to their church day duties and their walk is predictable. They are “always there”. The Father loves them and appreciates them and they have an inheritance one day.
The younger son is a type of the Sons of God.
Something has happened in his life. Yes he has wasted time in “things”, but the essence is that there has been a conscious death and a coming forth into a higher life characterized only by that which is bestowed by his father. The path there has been strewn with false joy and suffering to the son, but there is an excitement in the Father, which he doesn’t manifest towards the elder son.
Both sons had an inheritance to share but the younger son got a blessing above his brother. This bears similarity to the Sons of God. It is not earned, but it is bestowed by the Father because His Sons are found on the path of brokenness and humility.
His father saw him afar off. Beloved, our Father saw us afar off, and we were sealed before creation. At the time when we heard the call beyond the veil, our Father saw us and had compassion and ran to us and hugged us and kissed us, because over the ages since David, He has watched down the Highway to Zion which passes through the Valley of Bacca (weeping), looking for His Sons and Daughters seeking His presence in Zion, and having endured the human loss, they walk that path with brokenness and sacrifice. He saw us beloved, and His embrace has never ended. His compassion is always there and at the right moment Jesus will commission His angels to bring His Sons to His Feast of Glory.
The Blessing bestowed included:
A Robe
A Ring
A Feast
The first three represent adornment and the Feast of course is the participation in great celebration. The feast was the father’s feast because of the principle of change in his son, not to glorify the son. The elder brother was not included in any of this, and when he learned of it, he was jealous and complained to his father claiming unfairness. He wasn’t included because he didn’t understand the dynamic, and didn’t fit in. The Church day Christians are critical of the Sonship truth and our Father will not include them in the great Feast. They are saved and blessed and will share inheritance, but cannot share in the higher blessing bestowed upon the Sons of God.
The Adornment
Beloved, there is a ROBE put away ready to be placed upon you. It has been tailored for you and has your name on it. This is not the religious ecclesiastical robe but a New Robe for a New Man. I believe it is the Robe of IMMORTALITY which Jesus shall place upon us in order that we might wear it to His Feast. It is the Robe of Jesus Glory. The angel in Jesus empty tomb was wearing one, because they too are immortal. The Sons have no funeral plans – no cemetery plots. One of my sibling brothers takes delight in regularly asking me if I have my funeral arranged. I take greater delight in reminding him that I will never have a funeral as my appointment with death has been annulled.
We shall wear this ROBE with great praise and worship for Jesus after whom it has been patterned.
Jesus then speaks of a RING to be placed on this son. Nowhere else does He ever speak of such. I believe that the RING stands for the “Seal of the Likeness to Jesus”. That is to say that our likeness to His Image will be the SEAL that we are His sons. The RING goes right back to the heart of Solomon whose reign is the type of the Kingdom Day. In Song 5:10 – talking of the beloved, Jesus, who was hidden and to be searched after – he describes His Adorning………….”hands like gold rings set with the Beryl jewel”. The Beryl is not well known as it is a rare gem. In Revelation, the Beryl is the 8th foundation stone on the wall of Jerusalem. “8” is the number of “new beginnings”, and is therefore signifying the eighth day, or the first day of eternity. The foundation of this new age is set in the seal of the Sons of God. In fact I seek after The Lord now to serve in the eighth day.
The parable’s elder son was given no ring. He could not wear this seal. It would not have suited him. It would have not even fitted him.
The SHOES again feature in Solomon, in Song 7:1 – where her feet were beautiful with shoes. The shoes protect from contamination with the dirt of this world. This comes to His Sons from living with Jesus in the Secret Place. The shoes of Luke 15 assure the Sons of this protection supplied by the Father. In the gospels Jesus always sent His disciples to go forth without shoes, so we see the difference between the Church Day and Kingdom Day ministry.
The father’s instructions were to bring the fatted calf, eat and be merry. The Gk word for “merry” means to “let your mind be at ease” – in other words the “Feast of Peace”, which is what this earth will experience during the Feast of Tabernacles. It will have taken over 2000 years for what the angels declared to come to pass…"peace on earth”. Man couldn’t produce it, but the Kingdom Day of Jesus shall.
We are not surprised to find that something of the Feast is hidden in David’s Zion, this time from Solomon in Eccl. 9:7 – Solomon is relating here to enjoying the good in life, but I hear it prophetically relating to the Feast of the Sons.
“Go your way, eat and drink in joy and with a merry heart, for God Now Accepts Your Works”.
In the Kingdom Day beloved, the struggling is over. No further trials for His Sons. The fruit of the Day is Peace. Nations will be at Peace – the planet will be at Peace – families will be at Peace – peace will reign in the hearts of people, and all because the Kingdom of the Prince of Peace has come to the earth. The very nations and rulers who have been the instigators of wars, division and strife will bow to Jesus and acknowledge that He is the only Lord and King. False religions will fall, and those bound in religious Babylon will be led back to Zion and to partake in the rejoicing and joy as the Song of The Lord fills the streets.
God accepted us as people through the Blood of Jesus, now He accepts the works of those at the Feast. Like the parable son was accepted simply because he was home, so too with the Beloved at the Feast of Jesus.
In verse 9:1, it says that “the Righteous Wise and their works are in the hands of God”. The Amplified then says “whether it is to be love or hatred no man knows; all that is before them”.
All praise to Jesus:
The personal Blessing which the Sons will know at the Kingdom Feast is revealed in V 7 – Amp. - “eat and drink with joy and cheer, for if you are Righteous, Wise, and in the Hands of God, GOD HAS ALREADY ACCEPTED YOUR WORKS”.
Beloved, what a joy to know NOW, that the Righteous Wise are in God’s hands and our works are accepted.
Jesus said that “nobody could pluck His sheep out of His hand, because The Father who gave them to Him, IS GREATER THAN ALL”. Then He said, “The Father and I are ONE”. There is no power in heaven, or earth, or in the realms of Satan’s domain, that has the power to take us from the Hands of JESUS. And add to that 1 John 3:20, that “even if our hearts condemn us, GOD IS GREATER THAN OUR HEARTS”.
Precious Sons of God, what a celebration at the Feast of Jesus to have the Robe and the Ring and the Shoes placed upon us, and to shout for joy for what we believe in Truth today, that we are totally accepted by God and were always safe in Jesus Hands.
Our Father saw us a long way off, and ran to us because we came to Him broken and humble, and He embraced us and gave us to Jesus as His Melchizedek Priests, and accepted everything about us. Once He did that and the womb was impregnated with the Sons of God, Our Father God then sent forth thousands of angels to prepare and make ready the Kingdom on Earth to be given to Jesus the Lord of Heaven, soon to be Lord over all the earth.
And, beloved, even if we let our hearts condemn us, hear this and remember it – “God is Greater than our hearts”.
I often imagine that if it were possible for the Sons and Daughters of God to assemble together on earth even now, what a force this world has never seen. Imagine the sound of the New Song, the Worship to Jesus, and the sacrifices of broken spirits and contrite hearts to our Father. I can only visualize this; I cannot find words to express how it would be. Not a large crowd in number but mighty in Zion.
“Father, my heart is overwhelmed as I write these things, and I commit them to Jesus that He will be Glorified by my writing. I hold before You every brother and sister who says Amen to these words, as together we share a rejoicing of heart for the Kingdom of Jesus. If our words to You could hasten this Day, then we would plead before You, but until the Day-star arises in our hearts, I call the Name over each dear soul, asking for Your wisdom, Your Guidance, and Your sustaining Grace for each dear one. Above all else Abba Father we offer you the daily sacrifice of our broken spirits and contrite hearts, that You be worshiped and Jesus be exalted in our worship”.
Always For Jesus,
Larry Wilson